I was very amused by the card that Monkey #2 presented to me for Mother's Day. His teacher had created a list and he was supposed to fill in the blanks about me.
I couldn't help but crack up when I got to the 4th line down:

I think that's a compliment??
Then came the part that reminds me why I put up with him...

(For those who need a translation, it says: "Dear mom, I love you so much. I wish I lived with you forever.")
Okay, everybody say it with me... Awwwww!
It would be hard to find a better compliment from a sweeter kid.
aaaawwwwww...cherish these moments! This is a precious time of life when they think Mom is wonderful and personally hung the moon!!
...and then there is the teen years.
I pray that I will survive. I am no longer Queen of the Manor, but rather "the female parental unit" who is "so out of touch with reality" and knows absolutely nothing.
I am looking forward to the day they are married and have kids of their own. Rumor has it that I will become smart again once I am a grandmother! LOL!
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