I went to Home Depot and asked their "garden specialist" about fire ants in the vegetable garden. He handed me a bag of Amdro.
I handed it back and said, "You can't put that on a vegetable garden!"
He looked surprised and then read the back of the bag. "Oh, you're right," he said. Then, after much thought, he announced that there was no hope for us and all we can do is sacrifice the veggies, kill the ants by dumping this poison all over the soil, and start over.
I repeated, "I don't want this stuff on my soil!"
"It's okay as long as you don't have food growing in it yet," he insisted.
I asked, "What about insecticidal soap, orange oil, stuff like that?"
"That won't work at all," he huffed dismissively.
Finally, I gave up and fled, leaving the so-called "specialist" far behind.
Don't get me wrong - I'm all for using these poisons in the right places at the right times. But did that "expert" really believe that the soil was somehow going to magically purge itself of chemicals once the crops started growing? Here, kids, have some hydramethylnon... it's highly toxic and a probable carcinogen, so eat up!
Try The Natural Gardener. It's in Austin & it's for organic gardeners. Haven't been there yet as we really haven't started our garden yet (plan on it very soon) but I've heard wonderful things about it. Here's the website: http://www.naturalgardeneraustin.com/
Thanks, Tricia!! I will definitely check them out. I'm sure they will know what to do, because I imagine this must be a common issue here.
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